
Posts Tagged ‘Lou Holtz’

The Notre Dame Coaching Job

12/01/2009 3 comments

There are many rumors circulating about the future of Notre Dame football, and which coach the university will hire.  Big names such as Urban Meyer, Bob Stoops, Tony Dungy, and John Gruden have been brought up.  However, the majority of people around the country believe that Urban Meyer and Bob Stoops would not take the job if offered, because of the great programs they are already involved in.  I think these people are correct in that Bob Stoops and Urban Meyer would laugh at such an offer.  The conversation has now turned to names such as Brian Kelly from Cincinnati, and Pat Fitzgerald of Northwestern.  Now I am going to tell you why Brian Kelly should NOT take the Notre Dame job, contrary to popular belief that it would be a step up for the coach.

Notre Dame has become a middle of the road program.  Since Lou Holtz left as Notre Dame coach after the 1996 season, Notre Dame has had three coaches in 13 years, with none of those coaches having more than a +10 win loss ratio.  Charlie Weis was supposed to be the savior, the man coming from the best system in the world, the Bill Belichick system.  He was supposed to be the man who turned around the program and bring it back to prominence.  However, Notre Dame remained a mediocre program and actually became worse under Weis.

So what made Notre Dame such a big program back in the day?  The television coverage.  Notre Dame was a team all kids dreamed about playing for because they were on national television every week.  However, as television coverage has improved, and many teams were then on national television, the value of going to Notre Dame then decreased.  Coupling with the fact that Notre Dame isn’t in a conference, has high academic standards, and is extremely cold compared to similar level programs like Texas and Oklahoma (yes, temperature matters when you are practicing every day in sub freezing weather), the top high school players are no longer as attracted to Notre Dame and some do not have the academic ability to go to Notre Dame.

Therefore, Brian Kelly would not be taking a huge step up by taking the Notre Dame job.  It is an overrated job at the present time and it would be extremely tough for the next coach to return the Irish to prominence.  However, if Kelly stays at Cincinnati, he will become a legend.  He will redefine the program, he will become worshipped.  He would be able to run for governer of Ohio.  He could become a Joe Paterno-like figure, a staple of what Cincinnati is all about.  Compare that with the prospect of Notre Dame.  Even if he does do well and brings the team back to the marquee level (which will be extremely difficult), he will just become another name beside that of Lou Holtz and Frank Leahy and other great Notre Dame coaches.  But if he stays at Cincinnati, he will become the definition of Cincinnati football, and he will certainly be better off by staying.